I have created Castle Ravenloft .tab files for the AHQ Map Generator:
This allows you to generate random Advanced Heroquest maps containing Ravenloft monsters. You use
AHQ rules to fight them.
Copy the
zip file into the "tables" directory and "extract here". "ravenlof1.tab,ravenlof2.tab,ravenlof3.tab" will be in the "tables" directory and you load one table on the "Tabellen Einlesen" menu option.
How it works:
I added this to monster.tab, it defines the kinds of Character Monsters:
( 1D12
1-4 "Count Strahd von Zarovich (190 Gold Crowns)"
5-8 "Young Vampire (160 Gold Crowns)"
9-10 "Howling Hag (110 Gold Crowns)"
11-12 "Klack (100 Gold Crowns)" & Monster-Magic-Treasure()
( 1D12
1-4 "Flesh Golem (160 Gold Crowns)"
5-8 "Gravestorm (180 Gold Crowns)"
9-10 "Werewolf (150 Gold Crowns)"
11-12 "Zombie Dragon (150 Gold Crowns)" & Monster-Magic-Treasure()
In undead.tab (I renamed it to raven.tab) I creat 2 kinds of Character Monsters, single and double:
( 1D12
1-2 Undead-Champion-Monster()
3-4 Undead-Champion-Monster()
5-6 Undead-Champion-Monster()
7-8 Undead-Champion()
9-9 Undead-Champion()
10-12 Undead-Champion()
( 1D12
1-2 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
3-4 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
5-6 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
7-8 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
9-9 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
10-12 Undead-Champion-Monster() & Undead-Champion()
I add these to the Lairs-Matrix and Quest-Rooms-Matrix. Note that half the time you get one Character Monster, half the time double Character Monsters:
( 1D12
1-1 "3 Skeletons, 4 Zombies (70 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
2-2 "3 Ghouls, 4 Zombies (80 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
3-3 "2 Skeletons, 3 Ghouls (100 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
4-4 "3 Gargoyles, 3 Zombies (80 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
5-5 "2 Gargoyles, 2 Skeletons, 2 Zombies (90 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
6-6 "1 Wraith, 4 Zombies (100 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster()
7-7 "1 Wraith, 2 Zombies, 1 Skeleton (160 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
8-8 "1 Gargoyles, 4 Skeletons (140 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
9-9 "1 Gargoyles, 4 Zombies, 2 Ghouls (160 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
10-10 "1 Wraith, 3 Skeletons (180 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
11-11 "3 Gargoyles, 3 Skeletons, 3 Zombies (190 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
12-12 "3 Skeletons, 3 Ghouls, 3 Kobold Skirmishers (200 Gold Crowns)" & Specialist-Monster-Double()
Wandering monsters are simply the names of the monsters:
( 1D12
1-2 "3 Wolves (25 Gold Crowns)"
3-4 "3 Ghouls (25 Gold Crowns)"
5-6 "3 Kobold Skirmishers (35 Gold Crowns)"
7-8 "3 Rat Swarms (20 Gold Crowns)"
9-9 "3 Skeletons (20 Gold Crowns)"
10-10 "3 Blazing Skeletons (25 Gold Crowns)"
11-11 "3 Wraith (30 Gold Crowns)"
12-12 "3 Zombies (25 Gold Crowns)"
Finally, the ravenlof.tab file refer to the custom files, monster.tab and raven.tab
# Castle Ravenloft 3
include raven\room3.tab
include standard\furnish.tab
include standard\hazard.tab
include terror\treasure.tab
include standard\trap.tab
include raven\monster.tab
include raven\raven.tab
Sample Adventure - "Keep the Dead in Their Graves"
Objective: (The program doesn't give you objectives, so pick one from
Terror in the Dark Quest Plots) Keep the Dead in Their Graves: A Young Vampire has moved into an old tomb complex and is preparing to raise the dead as Undead. Kill him! (He is in 2 rooms, but you only need kill him once.)

Castle Ravenloft 1
3 Gargoyles, 3 Skeletons, 3 Zombies (190 Gold Crowns)
Flesh Golem (160 Gold Crowns)
Howling Hag (110 Gold Crowns)
100 Gold Crowns
Hidden Treasure:
15 Gold Crowns
1 Gargoyles, 4 Zombies, 2 Ghouls (160 Gold Crowns)
Werewolf (150 Gold Crowns)
Young Vampire (160 Gold Crowns)
Blade Venom Blackroot (Orcs, Goblins: W +1)
50 Gold Crowns
Jewel (150 Gold Crowns)
Weapons Rack:
1 Sword
Hidden Treasure:
1 Dungeon-Counter
1 Gargoyles, 4 Skeletons (140 Gold Crowns)
Flesh Golem (160 Gold Crowns)
Young Vampire (160 Gold Crowns)
Elven Power Bow (R 48, DD 6)
No Special Ability
Magic Potion of Strength
Hidden Treasure:
45 Gold Crowns
3 Wolves (25 Gold Crowns)
Crossfire (Spot 8, Disarm 6)
(3 Damage Dice)
Hidden Treasure:
20 Gold Crowns
(This is just a 1 dungeon Quest. In room 7, I assume the treasure is under the trapdoor, but there is a Crossfire trap on the trapdoor)