Fire Team WWII

Mission: To mix Squad Leader counters and Fire Team rules.
Execution: For Armour, double ranges on SL terrain (40m hex, as opposed to FT 80m hex) , normal ranges on FT maps. For infantry, no range conversion between SL and FT (SL has shorter hes, but moves are 2 mins vs FT 10 min, it seems to cancel out.).

Infantry use unchanged values, armour is new, tank penetration based on centimeters of armour, caliber (such as L70 on the Panther), and bore diameter.

Use standard sources for vehicle data, converting to centimeters.
I haven't looked at artillery yet, but the Soviet 120mm mortar is in both SL and FT.

WWII Gun/Missile Table

Over 100mm L55+ 0-5 6-7 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-19 20-22

L30-54 0-5 6-8 9 10 11-12 13-14 15-17 18-20

Up to L29 0-5 5-6 7-8 9 10-11 12-13 13-14 15-16 17
86-100mm L55+ 0-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-18 19-21

L30-54 0-5 6-7 8 9-10 10-11 12-13 16-18 19-21

Up to L29 0-5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16
61-85mm L55+ 0-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-17 18-20

L30-54 0-4 5-6 7 8-9 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16

Up to L29 0-4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15
46mm-60mm L55+ 0-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-16 17-19

L30-54 0-3 4-5 6 7-8 8-9 10-11 12-15 16-17

Up to L29 0-3 4-7 5 6 7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14
Up to 45mm L55+ 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-15 16-18

L30-54 0-2 3-4 5 6-7 7-8 9-10 11-14 15-16

Up to L29 0-2 3 4 5 6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13






A/T Rifle
1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8

HV Differential

-1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

1 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 0

2,3 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1

4,5 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1

Each caliber (Barrel length/bore internal diameter, 24 for PzIVe, 48 for PzIVg) /bore diameter has a different hit probability (small low velocity projectiles have a plunging trajectory which makes accurate range estimation crucial, big projectiles are less affect by wind).

All armour values are in centimeters, Gun values are cm penetration at 500 yards, or 250 yards for small caliber.

Some vehicles have a dot under their armour value, meaning their front armour has a different value between turret and hull. Roll a D6, 1 or 2 subtract 10% (round up) from the armour value, 5 or 6 add 10% (round up).

So a Panther might have 14 cm frontal plus or minus 2cm (1.4 rounded up),
giving a range of 120mm-160mm.

I would give the Soviets a left shift of 1 on the fire table to reflect lack of skill. is a good source of tank data.

For infantry, use SL counters with same range, move and firepower, and use the Fire Team tables and rules.

Use Squad Leader scenarios as is.

Javascript call php and get a response cross-domain without AJAX

If you google "how to find if a cross domain file exists from javascript", the hamster chorus at stackoverflow will tell you it can't be done without AJAX, and even then you are lucky if it works.

But if you load a PHP script from HTML, the php script will run, and if the php script has a callback, you can run a javascript function as the callback, when the php script has finished.

If you want to call the script twice you use you set the .src of the HTML script line to the same thing (or something else), and it gets called again.

For trailer park async, use setTimeout to call the php several times. The rest of your program can execute while you are waiting for the server.

This works cross-domain, so you can call a script on another website.
The PHP can tell you if a file exists, return a JSON dataset, or all of the things you aren't supposed to do cross-domain.

<div id="backupDiv"></div>  
 function addJavascript(jsname, pos, id) {  //
   var th = document.getElementsByTagName(pos)[0];  
   var s = document.createElement('script');  
   s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');  
   s.setAttribute('src', jsname);  
   s.setAttribute("id", id);  
 function db_PHPresponse(prefix) {  
   var delay, message = "Processing",backupDivE=document.getElementById('backupDiv');  
   backupDivE.innertext = message;   
   for (delay = 0; delay < 6000; delay += 1000) {  
    setTimeout(function() {  
      var str, dv;  
      if (backupDivE.innertext === message) {  
       try {  
         dv = document.getElementById('delscript');  
         if (dv) {  
         str = '' + prefix + db_username() + '.php';  
         addJavascript(str, 'body', "delscript");  
       } catch (e) {  
    }, delay);  
And the PHP 
 echo 'db_callback(' . json_encode(array('I could not forbear getting up to the top of a little mountain, and looking out to sea, in hopes of seeing a ship : then fancy that, at a vast distance, I spied a sail, please myself with the hopes of it, and, after looking steadily, till I was almost blind, lose it quite, and sit down and weep like a child, and thus increase my misery by my folly.')) . ')' ;  

UK Expansion for Fire Team , a board game by West End Games.

Fire Team is a boardgame where the US and the USSR fight in 1987 at an individual tank/squad level.

Shortfalls and warstoppers:
The all-important British are missing. So are the Northern Irish.

You have the original game. I paid US $18 dollars on eBay, plus + $15 shipping. Cheap.

Threat integration with situation templates:

New Rules

Friendly troops available:

UK Counter Sheets - print on cardboard.


  • New counter set
  • Rules for Reactive Armour, including Armour Depletion
  • Rules for Tandem Warhead and Top-Attack missiles
  • Improved British Rally
  • Towed Artillery Setup Time
  • Soft Vehicles
  • Thermal Imaging
  • Smoke Rounds

Now WW2 too.

So here is the UK expansion for Fire Team. There is a new counter set, and some 21st century rules for Reactive Armour (Old style and Kontact-5), Top Attack Missiles and  Tandem warheads. But in the land of Fire Team, it is 1987 ("Walk like an Egyptian") most of the time.

In 1987 the British just aren't like the Russians or the Americans.

In 1987 Thatcher's British are the victors of the Falklands, the Soviets are 2 years away from the destruction of the Berlin wall, while the Iran-Contra Affair US is all wishy-washy. The British are stuck with ungunned APCs and old equipment, while the USA and Soviets have Attack Helicopters and Mechanized Infantry Combat vehicles.

So the UK fire teams will have to make up for material weakness with "Bags of bull, bags of confidence".  In game terms the Soviets get a -1 Morale cut against the UK. British leaders can rally adjacent units at no extra cost, which saves them some command points. Therefore they can formulate and execute cunning plans to foil the designs of the Soviet hordes.  Imagine poorly dressed Germans in Squad Leader.

The UK is low budget, except for their MBTs, the Soviets have better equipment. Most British Infantry will be TA reservists, a dedicated bunch of rough, tough, jolly fellows who use what little they have with enthusiasm.

However, I did add Centurion(Mk 6/2 Ranging Machine Gun, circa 1963), early T-72, T-72A with early ERA, T-55 and Iraqui Enigma T-55,  so middle Middle Eastern fans can work something out. There is also T-80U with Kontact-5 from 1986. I assume T-80 in the original game to be the original '70s T-80.

Enemy situation and capabilities:
The T-72 was introduced in the mid seventies, and panic ensued. Missiles such as TOW and MILAN were introduced, the M1 Abrams / Challenger / Leopard 2 were developed. By the early '80s NATO had caught up, and the USSR was too poor to up the stakes. Although T-72 was the main Warsaw Pact MBT, T-55, T-62 and T-64 would still have been needed for invading Western Europe.
For a '70s feel you can replace M3 with M113, M1 with M60a3, and use Chieftan and FV432 in place of Challenger and Warrior. The USSR gets BTR and T-55/T-62/T-72.

Unit counter Sheets For UK Fire Team

UK Rear- Click to Enlarge

 UK Front
 USSR Front


USSR Rear 

 If you don't like the green/red background do this to remove or change it.
Or ask me to post images with a transparent background.

UK Gun/Missile table:

Additional Fire Team Rules for UK, including reactive armour

Basic Rules

By default  use US rules for UK.
1. Rally: Russians add 1 to Rally dice rolls when fighting the British.
 (Comment: The Berlin wall came down in 1989, Soviet morale can't be high in 1987.)

2. UK Leaders and Activation 
A UK leader may reduce the cost of activation of a dismounted infantry unit or any group containing
In rule section "4.4 Leaders and Activation"
For UK leaders with Leadership rating greater than 1, replace "stacked" with "within 1 hex of".
 (Comment: This gives some UK leaders the ability to consistently perform textbook fire and maneuver attacks which the Soviet player will struggle to match. The 1980's British have low budget equipment, but they were able to clear conscript trenches in the Falklands with well rehearsed platoon attack drills. This gives the UK forces a distinct flavour in Fire Team)

3. New Equipment.
All T-72 and T-80 variants use the T-80,T-72 row on the Soviet Gun Missile Table.
All T-62 and T-55 variants use the T-62 row on the Soviet Gun Missile Table.
FV432 has an AA Machinegun (20.61).
AGS-17 has a 6-gun platoon with longer range.
LAW is depleted on 1,10. (Note: Such weapons often require multiple hits to destroy a vehicle, and a several shots to get one hit.)
RPG-16 didn't get issued much, but we can simply use RPG-16 as RPG-7V. The expansion has RPG-7VL (use the RPG-16 row on the Fire Table) teams for use on the defense, where the RPG men are organised into ambush parties.
Leopard 1, Merkava 2 and Marder are inexplicably included.
4. Carl Gustav Recoilless Gun.
Carl Gustav is treated as a "missile" (it is actually a gun), and may use 19.2 Missiles and Rockets against Buildings and Entrenchments.
5. Set Up Time
Some weapons take a while to set up. These weapons have a white "S", followed by  the number of complete consecutive stationary turns it takes to make the weapon ready to fire. The weapon can move at any time after this, but has to wait  the same number of  stationary turns  before firing again.   For example, Towed Rapier has a "S2" on the counter. It moves towed on turn 1, is stationary for turns 2 and 3, and can fire on turn 4. It moves towed during turn 4, remains stationary  for turns 5 and 6, firing again on turn 7.
6. Soft Targets
Trucks and towed artillery are marked as "SOFT" on the rear of the counter. These are treated as infantry using  Infantry Fire Table, a step loss eliminates the soft target.
7. Towed
Some weapons cannot move, but can be towed by a Soft vehicle or vehicle with Fl armor 0. A vehicle may hitch / unhitch a towed weapon at the start / end of its move. There is no extra CP cost for this, the gun crew know what to do.

8. Bomb Lobbers:
Some weapons (AGS-17, 51mm mortar) have a black diamond, meaning that Defilade (+2 on Die Roll) does not apply to their fire.
(Note: Some weapons are capable of indirect fire, but don't have indirect fire sights. These weapons fire in a high arc, and can lob bombs over crests.)

9. Smoke Lobbers:
Some weapons (51mm mortar, Carl Gustav) have a cloud symbol, and may make smoke in one hex within LOS out to 6 hexes. This works like 10.1 "Making Smoke", including smoke depletion, and a 1/2 CP cost.


Use all, some or none of the optional rules.

10. Reactive Armour and Missiles:
As well as plain steel, modern tanks often had add on blocks designed to distort or explode when hit. These blocks reduce the effectiveness of HT weapons, and sometimes even HV weapons. Often 70% of the front of the tank is covered with these boxes.

Reactive armour is indicated by a white number to the left of the HV and HT numbers. This number added to Armor Defense Value.
The T-80 has Kontact-5 armour blocks, giving +4 against HV attack, and a right shift of +3 against HT attack.
T-72A above has earlier reactive armour which gives HT protection, but no extra HV protection.
Both kinds can be "Depleted", or partially removed by hits to the vehicle.

(Note: In 1987 we have Kontact-5 Armour, but not Shtora-1 active protection. The original Fire Team T-80 has a huge Front HT value of 11, which presumably has reactive armour factored in.)

b. Armour Depletion: if the dice roll against a vehicle fitted with Reactive Armor is 1 or 2 less than what is required to kill the target, place a "Reactive Armor Depleted" marker on the vehicle. The vehicle no longer enjoys any of the column shifts in "a." above, since the Reactive armour got shot off.
b. Partial Coverage. If an HT kill is obtained against the front of a vehicle with a white HT column shift, or if an HV kill is obtained against the front of a vehicle with a white HV column shift, roll the D10 again. If the result is 1-3, the vehicle is still killed. If it is a 4-10, apply the column shift, if the result is no longer a kill, the vehicle is saved. If it is still a kill after the shift, the vehicle remains killed.
(About 70% of the front is covered by reactive armor. All reactive armor protects against HT, some also protects against HV)

c. Tandem Warhead:  If the attacking missile (Such as MILAN 2T) has a red "HT" value, it has a Tandem Warhead. Tandem Warheads always ignore Reactive Armour column shifts.
(Note: Red "HT" missiles have two warheads in Tandem, the first makes a hole in the reactive armor, the second warhead attacks the bare metal underneath. After year 2000, a scenario may give any missile  a red "HT" value.)
d. Top Attack: If the attacking weapon (such as Javelin. Note that the British have an anti-aircraft missile called Javelin, which is not in this expansion) has a red "TA" on the counter, it always attacks the flank "Fl" HT value, never the front "Fr" value, regardless of target facing. This is because the "Top Attack" missile attacks the thinner top armor of the target.
e. Gun Missiles: Some Soviet Tank counters  have 2 white numbers on the rear side, top right. The first number is the HT value of an anti-tank missile fired out of the gun barrel. The second number is the maximum range of the missile. Use the Spiral MSL row on the Soviet Gun/Missile table. Ammo depleted on 1,9,10. For example, T-80U above is 13/50 HT , so the HT value is 13 (using "Tandem Warhead" rule because of the red "HT"), you use the Spiral row on the Soviet Gun/Missile table. Optional rule: changing the "9-55" to 9-X, where X is the second number in the 13/50 HT . So "9-55" would become 9-50" for T-80U.
If  the vehicle fires a Gun Missile it may not fire another weapon during the impulse. Gun missiles may not employ moving fire.
e. (Optional) Javelin Dual Mode: Red "HTTA"  Javelin uses Tandem Warhead at range 2, and Top Attack at range 3 or more.
f. (Optional) Javelin may attack helicopters like a SAM, but shift an additional 2 columns right on the Gun/Missile fire table. Unlike SAMs,  Javelin must have the target in view for 2 consecutive hexes to execute opportunity fire, and it costs 1cp for Javelin opportunity fire against helicopters.
11. Vehicle Damage and Turrets: 
On the Gun/Missile Fire Table, always add 1 to the HV. Always add 2 to the HT differential.  Use the HV column for both HT and HV.
(Note: Differential is increased to compensate for damage. Also, HT is never better than HV in the basic game, so it needs an extra bonus to be worth having.)
If the result is a kill, roll the D10 again. A 1-4 hits the turret, a 5-0 hits the hull.  If the target is in Defilade/Fire Ramp, 1-8 is a turret hit, 9-0 is a hull hit.
If the result is an odd number the vehicle remains killed.
If the result is an even number (0 is even), the vehicle was not killed, just damaged.
If the turret is damaged, place a "Damaged" marker on the vehicle, it has lost all its weapons permanently.
If the hull is damaged, place an "Immobile" marker and a Vehicle Fear marker on the unit.
An vehicle with an an "Immobile" marker cannot move or change facing.
If the vehicle already has a Immobilized or Damaged marker, it is killed.

Some vehicles have extra turret armour, indicated by a "HV X/Y/Z" and "HT X/Y/Z", where "X" is the front turret armour value, "Y" is the front hull, and "Z" is the side armour. If a front facing turret hit the extra turret armour value is added to the HT and HV.
 (Note: Leopard 1A5 has much thicker turret armour, and is meant to operate from defilade/Fire Ramp.)
12. Passenger Survival:
If a transporting vehicle is destroyed, the occupants are not automatically killed as per (5.43).
Roll the D10, on a 1-3 they are killed as normal, otherwise they take a +1 Infantry Fire table result as per (6.33).
13. Thermal Imaging:
UK & US only: Infantry and turreted armoured vehicles, and observers can see through smoke, with a +3 right shift on the Gun/Missile table or Infantry Fire Table.
Exceptions: not Infantry fire on move. The Soviets have Infrared, which can't see through smoke.
14. Chits (optional):
Don't use the CP's allowance/remaining counters. You put the chits in the draw cup and you draw them out until it is empty.
15. Gun Advanced Range Modifiers is wrong:
Advanced Range Modifiers (18.22) is wrong. On the Gun/Missile table, a column shift represents a change in accuracy, a row shift represents a change in penetration. Instead of a column shift, subtract the column shift number on the "*Advanced Range Modifiers" table from the HV firepower. Example: at 18 hexes, the T-62's HV value is reduced from 14 to 12, with no column shift.
(Note: This represents reduced penetration due to reduced velocity, not reduced accuracy. If a T-80 is shooting at an M113 the round will always penetrate the thin armour, even at 2 kilometers. This new rule reflects this, the old rule does not. Comment: this is the only "wrong" thing I can find in the rules.)

16. Landmines:
The scenario may allow the defending player to place Landmine counters on the map.

"Mine Damage":
Leg units: take a +1 Infantry Fire table result as per (6.33).
Vehicles: place an "Immobile" marker on the vehicle, it may no longer move or change facing. Place a Vehicle Fear marker on the unit.

Landmine  counters are be treated as 11.3 "Hidden Deployment" with a spotting range of 4 in daylight, 2 at night. Double spotting range for "Mineclearing" vehicles. Mine counters may not be spotted by moving units, and any unit entering a Hidden Mine hex suffers immediate "Mine Damage". (Note: The faster you move, the less likely you are to end your move within spotting distance of a mine.)
Mine clearance:
At a cost of an extra 2 CP, a  "Mineclearing" unit may enter a minefield and remain in that hex until the next Action Phase. At the start of that action phase, roll a D10 for that unit. Remove the Mine counter on a D10 1-3, adding any Fear points to the dice roll.

Real Landmine hexes remain dangerous until they are cleared.

Mine clearance:
Mineclearing units who end their move impulse in a Real Landmine counter hex may spend an impulse mine-clearing without triggering the Landmine. A mine-clearing impulse costs an additional 1 CP, and only one mine-clearing unit may occupy the hex. They clear the Landmines on a D10 1-4 per impulse, adding any Fear points to the dice roll. They may do nothing else for that impulse.
If a unit exits a dummy landmine hex, or the Real Landmines are cleared, the counter is removed.

18. Active Protection System (APS):
T55-AD has an "Active Protection System" (APS), indicated by a white number ("5") inside a white circle. If the vehicle is killed by a "HT" attack to its front armour by a missile or infantry anti-tank weapon, throw the D10 again. If the result is less than or equal to the white number, the vehicle is saved, the warhead was destroyed by the APS. The system does not protect against vehicle guns. The T-55AD also has Fire Control, a Gun Missile, and an improved HT round.
(Note: The number 5 is arbitary, the APS "kinda works" apparently. It doesn't work against things moving faster than 700mps, like bullets and tank shells)
Historical note:  In 1982, the T-72 defeated M60A1 and Merkava tanks in Lebanon, but they did take losses from TOW missiles. NATO had been working on the problem, M1 Abrams had just entered service, Challenger came out in 1983, MILAN 2 came out in 1984 .  Most NATO anti-tank weapons  were not effective against T-T2 in the late '70s, but  they caught up in the early 80's.
Soviet tanks from the original T-64 onwards had composite frontal armour with a filler such as Steltexolite fibreglass cloth, quartz or rubber which increased their HT value. Armour with many layers of thin metal plate (T-72A Dolly Parton and Abrams both have this on the turret with air in between the plates, T-55AM2B upgrades have the plates in a polyurethane resin block) would bend or bulge when hit, increasing HV defense as well as HT.
However, the Soviets decided that their HT protection against missiles like TOW was still inadequate, so external Reactive Armour was added to all their new tanks. Kontact-5 Reactive Armour give significant HV protection as well as HT, but it still leaves gaps, vulnerable to a lucky hit. In the classic Russian Horde Thru The Fulda Gap scenario, the defenders have to get "one shot one kill" to survive. Kontact-5  means the opponent will have to spend longer in the line of fire to kill the T-80U, giving the Soviets time to shoot back effectively.
Tandem warheads have a small grenade in front of the warhead which blows up the Reactive Armour, which leaves the Soviet player vulnerable again.
Top Attack missiles are expensive, but hit the tank from above, where the armour is the thinnest. Later Soviet tanks have some reactive armour on the turret deck.
RPGs need lots of ammo:
Most tanks can be killed by a flank shot from an RPG-7. But it may require many shots. In Vietnam 1 in 8 RPGs fired hit the target, 1 in 7 penetrated , causing 0.8 casualties per penetration on APCs. Overall, each round had a 1.5% of causing a casualty. Tanks had a lower casualty rate. ("The Rocket Propelled Grenade" by Gordon Rottman). That is 70 rounds of RPG ammo per casualty.
With modern fuzes, most rounds would penetrate an APC, bringing it down to maybe 15 rounds, about 40 kilos of ammo. Successful ambushes use multiple RPG-7s, with a stack of reloads. And expendable attackers.

Frank Clarke

Not sure if serious: "Marshall Stanmore does not actually go up to eleven".
Did they have people returning them?
From the London Drugs flyer.

My Fender amp goes up to 12. Of course, that is so loud, no-one would ever use it.
"Javascript call php and get a response cross-domain without AJAX"
Fire Team WWII