11. New Gun/Missile Fire Table
(Note: In Fire Team, if you can fire HV or HT, HV is almost always better, so HT isn't much use. In reality, HEAT rounds have the same penetration at all ranges, that why you carry them)
a) For HT fire, use the HT "6" row always. If you roll the number required to kill, that is just a hit. If you hit, subtract the HT defender value from the HT attacker value and add 2 to get the "to kill" number. Throw the dice again, if it is the same or less than the "to kill" number, the vehicle is destroyed. If you get a hit with a HT (HEAT) round, the chances of a kill are not affected by range.
b) For HV fire always use the second from the bottom row "4". If you roll the number required to kill, that is just a hit. To kill, roll again, adding to the roll the defender HV value, and subtracting the attacker HV value. If you get a hit with an HV (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot) round, the chances of a kill are reduced at longer ranges.
If a transporting vehicle is destroyed by HV, the occupants are not automatically killed, as per the original rules (5.43).
11. New Gun/Missile Fire Table
(Note: In Fire Team, if you can fire HV or HT, HV is almost always better, so HT isn't much use. In reality, HEAT rounds have the same penetration at all ranges, that why you carry them)
For HT Gun fire at the rightmost column the gun can fire at (for T-62, 18-20), shift 1 column left.
For HT Gun fire outside 13 hexes, shift 1 column left. (There was a Cold War tradition of the Soviets relying on firing a lot of HT at long range)
Use the HV column on the Gun/Missile table for HT, and the HT column for HV. SAM is unaffected.