You get 1 action Token per turn, plus one for holding the room with the fancy graphic that each board has.
You get an extra Token for each of these rooms you hold |
A player may not hide her tokens, this is not a memory test. A miniature may not benefit from 2 Actions in one turn. You spend Action Tokens during you move only, even if they are to be used in the enemy's turn. Sometimes they may be wasted.
Action Tokens can be spent on the following Actions:
Cost | Name | Effect |
1 | Lookout | 1 designated miniature gets to move their full move an the end of an enemy's miniature's turn if they saw the enemy move |
2 | Shoot n' Scoot | Move 1 square, fire, move back to the original square during this turn. |
4 | Ambush | Move
1 square, fire, move back to the original square,in the enemy turn, after any enemy miniature completes its turn |
2 | Overwatch | 1 designated miniature gets to fire an the end of an enemy miniature's turn if it is now in LOS |
1 | Revenge | If
one of your squad loses or draws in hand-to-hand, another of your squad within 4 squares may take a free move and a free hand-to-hand attack on the enemy concerned. |
2 | Mark of Terror | Enemy must roll a 1 or 2 to move a unit into your LOS |
2 | Leadership | Any
2 Miniatures Adjacent to any friendly Commander may re-roll one die of their choice when attacking. |
2 | Berserk | 1 miniature gets +2 move, and 1 extra red die on Hand-to-Hand attack |
3 | Swarm | 2 miniatures may combine Hand-to-Hand rolls on the same target |
1 | Cover | One reroll on any shooting attack against you. |
2 | Cover Fire | If an enemy moves adjacent to one of your squad,
another squad member with LOS gets a free shot at him before Hand-To-Hand can occur |
Cost | Race | Name | Effect |
4 | Dark Eldar | Steal Soul | Double points on your first kill this turn |
2 | Dark Eldar | Combat Drugs | 1 miniature gets +2 move, and 1 extra white die on any attack |
2 | Space Marine | Apothecary | If one of your squad loses a Life this turn, a white die 1 or a 2 restores him |
2 | Sisters | Martyrdom | 6 Action Tokens for every miniature you lose this turn |
2 | Sisters | Prayer | Commander
misses a turn, rest of squad get a reroll each in all their attack rolls |
2 | Gretchen | Run Away | All of the Squad except Heavy Weapons
may move 2 squares away from a visible enemy at the end of their turn |
2 | Ork/Khorne | Berserk | 1 miniature gets +2 move, and 1 extra red die on Hand-to-Hand attack |
3 | Tyranid | Swarm | Any number of miniatures may combine Hand-to-Hand rolls on the same target |
4 | Eldar | Psychic Storm | Attack any square on the board with a Missile Launcher attack. Any blips in the 3x3 square are revealed. |
4 | Eldar | Farseer | When you see the next Alien Event Card,
you may chose to double it's effect, or to ignore it. |
3 | Android/Dread | EMP Pulse | No Enemy Heavy Weapons may fire at you this turn |
3 | Tau | Marker Light | Place a marker on 1 enemy unit. At the
start of your next turn, they are attacked by 3 red dice |
4 | Ork | WAAAAAGH! | All Orks may move an extra 2 spaces this turn |
Comment: This changes Space Crusade's "I-Go-You-Go" gameplay. The management of Action Tokens also adds skill to the game. A Dreadnought or Commander with Shoot n' Scoot can kill your most expensive unit before it has a chance to attack. But Mark of Terror can prevent this. A unit left exposed can defend itself if you have the Action Points. Eldar get to be Psychic, Tyranids get to swarm, Khorne go berserk and so on. With just one table and some tokens.
Force Shield: One miniature gets +1 armor for the turn.Combi-Plasma: One miniature gets a Plasma Rifle for the turn.Combi-Flamer: One miniature gets a Flamer (4 squares 2 red dice per square. anyone entering the squares is attacked by 2 dice) for the turn.Full Auto: One miniature may fire twice this turn.Double or Nothing: When you see the next Alien Event Card, you may chose to double it's effect, or to ignore it.